Monday, July 21, 2014


Two years.

Kinda sucks, don't it?

Well, from this point on, it's just me here, folks.

Mark has left the building, and it's my hands now on the wheel.

Mark had a few issues with consistency; things like not bothering to add any blog posts for over two years, or not finishing up any of the projects I have written for publication. So, for right now, I need to wear an entire rack of hats and  learn a bit more software.

However (!), it also means that some of these things will finally see light of day. The next thing that will be out soon is my book on handling the modern zombie; designed for the d20 system and its various derivatives, it also includes a few rules to try fitting it into a few other RPG rules systems.

Following shortly thereafter will be a new method of creating characters for a modern d20 game. Ostensibly a part of my own modified My20 system, it can be used in almost any d20 system game on the market.

We should have one more product out by the end of the year, I'm not gonna push it, however. The third book will either be a new and different fantasy campaign setting, or it will be the first installment of our upcoming Campaign Cookbook.

I'm going to reinstitute the very necessary weekly blog updates, since it will help keep me motivated and hopefully keep you entertained. I will discuss the upcoming books in these updates.

Now, there is only one more thing; because of the way the blog software works, when Mark turned it over to me it changed the names all to mine. Just so we are all on the same footing, this is Mr. Sean's first blog.....Mr. Mark did all the rest of them! Don't hold me responsible for those, if you please!

Anyway, it feel good to get things moving again, to get the wind in the sails, the motor running, and other such metaphors; I hope that this all works out!

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