Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Hey, folks!

Another week of work done, and a few more pages typed up! The Zombie book continues apace, and the notes for other projects continue to multiply and breed deep in the warm moist recesses of their file folders.

I'm a couple of days late here, and for anyone who cares I apologize. A bit of Real Life (R) came up and slapped me upside the head with an aluminum baseball bat; I got diagnosed with Type II Diabetes. So I've had a couple of tumultuous days as I try to learn and adjust my entire life. It's a bit overwhelming.

I have found that writing can be somewhat similar, in that you need to change your entire life to revolve around a single aspect in such a way that your worldview gets a bit warped. True, writing or not writing won't result in my immediate cessation of normal biological activities, and so it doesn't have the same immediacy or necessity that my new diagnoses calls for, but still....the changes required both require discipline that I have rarely had in my life.

This is all a Big Change, and this is one that requires me to follow through.

I don't think that this should compromise my schedule or my writing habits, but things will be a little rough over the next two weeks or so as I get used to how my life changes. Once I'm through the gate and on the track, things will settle down and I may be able to add a few things onto the schedule.

Thanks all, for reading this. I'll keep entries coming at least once a week, as I stated last Monday.

May the dice gods keep their eyes on you!

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