Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Damage Threshold - A Possible Replacement for Hit Points in RPG's

I'm tired of counting hit points and keeping track of hundreds of numbers during combats.

This is an idea that sprang out of a supplement I wrote for the d20 System concerning zombies. In it, zombies do not have hit points, instead they have what could be termed a damage threshold. This threshold is different for different parts of the zombie's body, but that wouldn't be necessary for this idea. When a specific location is struck, if the damage dealt does not exceed this threshold, there is no effect. For zombies, exceeding the threshold in an area will completely destroy that area, with a subsequent alteration in the combat capability of the zombie. Hitting and destroying the head is the only real way to kill the zombie.

Now, to adapt this concept to an RPG will require a bit of refinement. Specifically, I will concentrate on the d20 System, since I am well familiar with it.

To calculate a character's damage threshold, start with his Constitution (CON) score. To that, add his CON modifier. To this add the modifier(s) for taking the Improved Damage Threshold feat. To this add any similar modifiers that the character may gain through other feats, class abilities, racial modifiers, or size modifiers.

Essentially, the equation looks like any other used for the d20 System:

Damage Threshold = CON + (CON) modifier + any other modifiers

When engaged in a combat situation, characters on both sides will be trying, of course, to remove their opponents from the fracas in many frighteningly inventive ways. In d20 Modern, that will usually involve firearms. The combat system itself isn't changed; roll to hit your opponent and if your to-hit roll equals or exceeds his defense you have struck him and then you roll the appropriate dice for damage.

This is where the magic happens...

If the damage dealt by the attack is greater than the character's Damage Threshold, the character in question then needs to make a Fortitude save with a DC equal to (10 + the amount beyond the DT). If the save fails, the character has been seriously wounded and is out of action. This is already a part of the d20 Modern System; in D&D 3.x, the Mass Damage Threshold is 50 points and I'm not sure why it's different.

Now, if the character is a PC (or a special NPC that has been given Action Points) then the character then functions as if reduced to 0 hit points (meaning Staggered). If it is a monster or a regular NPC, then it will function as if reduced to -1 hp, that is unconscious and bleeding out.

If the damage roll is less than the character's DT, then there is no effect on the character at all. Unless, that is, the damage is equal to or greater than 10 points. If this is the case, the character's DT is reduced by 1.

I haven't gotten into the mechanics of healing yet, or magic, or area effect damage, or anything more interesting than guns and pokey metal bits. I wold like comments, and the opportunity to playtest this core concept. Playtesters I gots. What I would like are your thoughts on the matter.


Tuesday, September 2, 2014


It's up, IT'S GOOD!!!

The book "How to Deal With the Modern Zombie" is done, compiled, PDF'd, uploaded, and is now available for sale over on!

The price is a measly two bucks, and that's for 18 pages of zombie-filled goodness, as well as a handy Zombie Horde Tracking Chart!

This was way fun to write, and now I get to move on to other things on my list of many things to do!

Buy the darned thing!
Enjoy it!
Have fun!

Just stand downwind of the sporulating zombies! ...yech...

Thursday, August 28, 2014



Just a tad late on this.

I promised that I would keep up with weekly updates, and I seem to have backslid just a tad. Well, this is something we shall have to remedy, isn't it?

So the writing on the Zombie book continues and nears completion. As a special treat, I present to you the cover for this lovely little tome!

I always strive to keep my books in a state that makes actually printing them relatively cheap and easy (unlike me, who is just easy!). I go a little extravagant on the covers, but you never need to actually print those anyway, so I feel justified in that decision.

I should have this one done, hopefully, by the end of the long holiday weekend. I'll have it up on, and it will be ready and available when Hallowe'en rolls around again! Pricing will be the same ridiculous low sum you should come to expect for all my hard work, so it certainly won't break anyone's bank account to buy it!

And with that, I'll close out this little diatribe. I hope to have more to say around Monday evening. See ya' then!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

The stillness of death...

Yeah, a melodramatic title, but quite truthful.

I've been busy writing, as I hope to continue being, but got derailed a tad the past few days.

Had the shocking news, last week, of the self-inflicted death of an old friend of mine, Mark Hilton. The past couple of nights have been filled with old friends getting together informally in twos and threes and remembering him.

Today was the memorial service, since he was already cremated. It was a well done service, there were laughs and tears abounding. We all said our goodbyes, and comforted the others who were left behind.

Not that I'm trying to get you down! Death really is the Final Commonality, the one activity that every single human being is heir to and in which all will take part. It's part of the rules for being human.

It's good food for thought and philosophizing, if one has an inclination for that sort of thing. And, as an inveterate (and irreverent) gamer, the entire situation today started ideas running through my head. I'll keep them to myself for now; they need some time to gestate, to grow and mature just a tad before I present any of them. For right now, it's just too soon.

I will share this one though, since my friend himself was a most avid gamer and almost a third of the attendees today were from our old gaming club: We sat around after the service, drinking tea and eating deviled eggs, meatballs-on-a-stick, and quarter-inch slices of spicy turkey pinwheels and wondered if it would be possible/legal to compress the man's ashes into a set of dice.

I know, we're horrible, but Mark would have appreciated the joke and laughed along with us.

Wherever you are, dude, I hope you're still rollin' them bones!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Hey, folks!

Another week of work done, and a few more pages typed up! The Zombie book continues apace, and the notes for other projects continue to multiply and breed deep in the warm moist recesses of their file folders.

I'm a couple of days late here, and for anyone who cares I apologize. A bit of Real Life (R) came up and slapped me upside the head with an aluminum baseball bat; I got diagnosed with Type II Diabetes. So I've had a couple of tumultuous days as I try to learn and adjust my entire life. It's a bit overwhelming.

I have found that writing can be somewhat similar, in that you need to change your entire life to revolve around a single aspect in such a way that your worldview gets a bit warped. True, writing or not writing won't result in my immediate cessation of normal biological activities, and so it doesn't have the same immediacy or necessity that my new diagnoses calls for, but still....the changes required both require discipline that I have rarely had in my life.

This is all a Big Change, and this is one that requires me to follow through.

I don't think that this should compromise my schedule or my writing habits, but things will be a little rough over the next two weeks or so as I get used to how my life changes. Once I'm through the gate and on the track, things will settle down and I may be able to add a few things onto the schedule.

Thanks all, for reading this. I'll keep entries coming at least once a week, as I stated last Monday.

May the dice gods keep their eyes on you!

Monday, July 21, 2014


Two years.

Kinda sucks, don't it?

Well, from this point on, it's just me here, folks.

Mark has left the building, and it's my hands now on the wheel.

Mark had a few issues with consistency; things like not bothering to add any blog posts for over two years, or not finishing up any of the projects I have written for publication. So, for right now, I need to wear an entire rack of hats and  learn a bit more software.

However (!), it also means that some of these things will finally see light of day. The next thing that will be out soon is my book on handling the modern zombie; designed for the d20 system and its various derivatives, it also includes a few rules to try fitting it into a few other RPG rules systems.

Following shortly thereafter will be a new method of creating characters for a modern d20 game. Ostensibly a part of my own modified My20 system, it can be used in almost any d20 system game on the market.

We should have one more product out by the end of the year, I'm not gonna push it, however. The third book will either be a new and different fantasy campaign setting, or it will be the first installment of our upcoming Campaign Cookbook.

I'm going to reinstitute the very necessary weekly blog updates, since it will help keep me motivated and hopefully keep you entertained. I will discuss the upcoming books in these updates.

Now, there is only one more thing; because of the way the blog software works, when Mark turned it over to me it changed the names all to mine. Just so we are all on the same footing, this is Mr. Sean's first blog.....Mr. Mark did all the rest of them! Don't hold me responsible for those, if you please!

Anyway, it feel good to get things moving again, to get the wind in the sails, the motor running, and other such metaphors; I hope that this all works out!