Thursday, August 28, 2014



Just a tad late on this.

I promised that I would keep up with weekly updates, and I seem to have backslid just a tad. Well, this is something we shall have to remedy, isn't it?

So the writing on the Zombie book continues and nears completion. As a special treat, I present to you the cover for this lovely little tome!

I always strive to keep my books in a state that makes actually printing them relatively cheap and easy (unlike me, who is just easy!). I go a little extravagant on the covers, but you never need to actually print those anyway, so I feel justified in that decision.

I should have this one done, hopefully, by the end of the long holiday weekend. I'll have it up on, and it will be ready and available when Hallowe'en rolls around again! Pricing will be the same ridiculous low sum you should come to expect for all my hard work, so it certainly won't break anyone's bank account to buy it!

And with that, I'll close out this little diatribe. I hope to have more to say around Monday evening. See ya' then!

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