Monday, December 26, 2011

Holidays.....nearly done!

Well, howdy again, folks!

I certainly hope that everyone who may perchance read this had a very good set of gift-exchanging holidays, no matter what flavor you might perhaps enjoy! I certainly did!

Having twenty nice people purchase our very first product in the week it's been up has been a very big boon to my ego, to say the very least! For anyone who didn't know about it, you can find it here! It's just a little quickie, and a means of introducing Mind Games Design Bureau to the gaming world at large. No reviews back yet, but it's early, so we'll see where things go from here!

I'm still plugging away on several other projects, and I hope to have another small title out by the end of January, but I'm not 100% positive on that right now. I'd love to have an actual schedule of releases for you all, but I have so many irons going in so many different fires that it's basically impossible to nail everything down in that manner. My largest current project is the Campaign Cookbook, and that, I hope, will see the light of day by around April!

I will keep everyone informed as to what is happening, and give a heads up when something is about to hit the digital presses! I have also resolved to make it a personal, moral imperative to keep up on the blog here in at least a weekly manner (rather than the weak manner I have been). So, for now, have a good and safe New Year, and don't drink anything near to what I drank on Christmas have been warned!

1 comment:

  1. Damn you! Look what you've done. You've planted an idea in my head and now I can't get rid of it. I hope you're happy, inspiring ideas in others.
